Tractor Piggy Bank

The Tractor Piggy Bank helps you learn how to save in a Virtual Piggy Bank. The coins are stored in your browser cookies. This is just like the Piggy Bank for kids; the coins and savings are just virtual numbers and has no real value.

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Tractor Bank – Toy helps kids practice the Saving Habit early. Click the Wallet and a coin will appear. Drag and Drop the Coin into a Slot on the Front of the Green Tractor. In a few seconds the wallet will appear again. Click the wallet again for your next coin. This was made in 2005 and modified many times, now added HTML5 SoundManager 2

After a few days, imagine you need some money. Click the Hammer to break the Piggy Bank and collect the coins you have saved. Now to buy some cookies and lemonade to celebrate your new saving habit.


Tractor Piggy Bank

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